Monday, October 3, 2011

Tournamnet Report: The Bent Blade

This was a very small tournament. Two events, Div II foil and div II epee. Both of them only had seven entries. I only fenced in the epee. But I did arrive in time to see the end of the foil DE's. I saw wily veteran Earl Shapiro fall to the taller, stronger Frank Trowbridge and, and Warner Robbins two you foilist, Clinton Harrison, (who thinking about it now isn't all that young) and Jared Rimmer fight it out. Clinton started the bout out with a blade that just wasn't right. At the first break he was behind something like 8-4 and I had seen at least 5 hits where his blade and bent up against Jared. but oh well. He finally switched blades and came roaring back to take the lead. But in the end, Jared kept his head and fought off Clinton's return and won the bout to enter the finals against Frank. Which he won and Earned his long due E.

then epee started. There were 2 veteran Cs, one E and 4 Us in the event. I started off real slow. I really felt like I was fencing in slow motion, which considering the 15 pounds I put on over the summer, I am. but I did manage to win most of my bouts. Lost to the E from FSA and one of the beginners. Thankfully by the DE's I had warmed up enough that I was fencing with something of a brain. MY first De was pretty much a walkover. Scored most of my points with the same action and I think I scored all of them hitting the same target area. (right shoulder/upper arm) Second DE I fenced Jared. He was much more energetic than my first opponent had been and made me work a bit more but I won without any problems. the final, as it should have been was the two C's. Me vs Frank. Franks scored a nice toe shot at one point and kept the fight fairly close but I really felt I had the game in hand for the whole bout. I did notice that I am slow reacting the fleche. Which is bad considering Frank doesn't have a real fast fleche so I will need to pick that up before I fence the fast and the young.

Next event will probably be GSU's Halloween open.

And while I may have been fencing with SFC next to my name (which really feels and sounds strange to me still) I was wearing a GASOU T-shirt and warm up jacket.

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